Deco Essentials Earbud Tips (3 Memory Foam, 3 Silicone) (S/M/L Sizes) offer superior audio experience, ear comfort, and sound isolation.
These Memory Foam and Silicone Ear Tips were designed for Sony's WF1000XM5 but are not exclusive to them. These memory foam ear tips are compatible with most earphones with removable ear tips between 5mm-7mm in size. These provide maximal comfort without the pain and discomfort that come with extended wear. Forget the pressure and the headaches- go for that run, go to the gym for an excessive amount of time to get over your ex, tune out your neighbor's arguing, and do all that you need to with the comfort of memory foam- drown out the world around you without regret.
Compatible with but not limited to:
AKG: ?-374, K-375, K-376, ?370, ?324?, ?340, ?330, 0250, ?321, IP2
Audio-Technica: ATH-ANC3, ATH-ANC33IS, ATH-BT12, ATH-CHX5, ATH-CK1, ATH-CK7, ATH-CK32, ATH-CK52, ATH-CK323, ATH-4001, ATH-CKF77, ATHCKF300, ATH-CKF500;ATH-CKL200, ATH-CKL202is, ATH-CKL203, ATH-???33, ATH-???50, ATH-???55, ???-???77, ???-???99, ATH-CKM300, ATH-CKM500, ATH-CKM1000, ATH-CKN50, ATH-CKN70, ATH-CKP200, ATH-CKP300, ATH-CKP300, ATH-CKP500, ATH-CKR3, ATH-CKR5, ATH-CKR7, ATH-CKR9, ATH-CKS55, ATH-CKS55x, ATH-CKS70, ATH-CKS77, ATH-CKS77X, ATH-CKS90, ATH-CKS99, ATH-CKS1000, ATH-CKW1000ANV, ATH-CKX5, ATH-CKX5is, ATH-CKX7, ATH-CKX7is, ATH-CKx9, ATH-CKx9is, ATH-CLR100, EP-3
BeatsByDre: Diddvbeats, Heartbeats (lady gaga) ibeats, powerbeats, Tour,
JBL: Everest 100, Synchros E10, J22i,
Sennheiser: CX1.00, CX2.00, CX6, CX95, CX200, CX215, CX270, CX275S, CX280, CX300, CX300- II , CX380, CX400, CX400- II , CX475, C×500, E4, E60, MM30, MM50, MM70, MM70s, MM801
Sony: WF-1000XMF5, WF-1000XM1, WF-1000XM2, WF-1000XM3, WF-1000XM4, WF-C700N, WF-C500, WF-C700N, WF-WF-SP800N, WF-XB700N, LinkBud S, MDR-AS40EX, MDR-EX32, MDR-EX51LP, MDR-EX55LP, MDR-EX75, MDR-EX81LP, MDR-EX85LP, MDR-EX90LP, MDR-NC11, MDR-NC22, NWZW262, XBA-BT75
Also compatible with most earbuds that have between 5mm-7mm size.