The weather is finally becoming bright and sunny after a long winter. That usually leads to a round of spring cleaning. Instead of suffering through your normal cleaning methods this year, try some of these simple cleaning hacks. You won’t believe how easy they are.
Double Duty Dryer Sheets
These little pieces of cloth are pure magic, even after they’ve been used in the dryer! A used dryer sheet can buff out water spots from your mirrors and bathroom/kitchen fixtures, tackle water spots on your shower doors, and even get rid of that disgusting ring in the toilet. Use new dryer sheets to wipe your baseboards clean, and you’ll not only be cleaning them but adding a dust-fighting layer to them as you go! They are also great for dusting.
Add a Lazy Susan to Your Fridge
If you’re already taking everything out to give the fridge a good scrub, add a lazy Susan to each shelf before you restock. Being able to spin it to access things in the back will cut down on spills and make your next spring cleaning that much easier.
Cinnamon Air Freshener
Simply sprinkle 2-3 TBSP of powdered cinnamon on a rug or an area of carpet, and then vacuum up with the Shark Navigator Professional Lift Away Upright Vacuum from to create a sweet-scented home. Cinnamon doesn’t actually leave any smell in your house. It works by masking odors, and since it’s organic, it can be used safely without any harmful side-effects that you might get from other chemical-based solutions.
Lint Roll Your Lampshades
Use a typical lint roller on your delicate lampshades to remove dust.
Give Your Mirrors a Shave
Squirt some shaving foam on your mirror and wipe clean with a cloth to remove any smears. This also helps to prevent your mirror fogging up every time you have a shower.
Clean Stainless Steel with Olive Oil
Use a small amount of olive oil on a cloth and wipe over your kitchen stainless steel, removing any stubborn smears and fingerprints. After that, use a clean and dry towel and re-wipe the surface. It will pick up any extra oil so it doesn’t dull the surface.
Clean Hard Water Stains with Vinegar
Just soak a few paper towels in white vinegar, and then place them on the hard water stains on your faucets, bath tub, or the drip pan for your refrigerator’s water dispenser! Come back an hour later and wipe clean with a towel, and witness the sparkle!
Dishwasher Tablets for Your Washing Machine
Every couple of months, add a dishwasher tablet to an empty cycle at 60 degrees. This will help kill any bacteria living in the hidden parts of the drum and should prevent lime scale too.
Deodorize Mattress with Baking Soda
Sprinkle baking soda all over your mattress and leave for one-to-eight hours. Vacuum excess baking soda with the Shark Navigator Deluxe Bagless Upright Vacuum from to reveal a freshly deodorized mattress using the attachments, or simply by lifting this lightweight vacuum onto the mattress.
Laundry Detergent for the Outdoors
Laundry detergent (without bleach) can be used to clean outdoor surfaces such as wood and concrete paving. Just add to a bucket of water or make a solution for your Sun Joe Electric Pressure Washer.
Clean Toys in Your Dishwasher
Place children’s plastic toys (toys without batteries) in the dishwasher along with your usual detergent or tablet. This will sanitize them ready to be played with again.
Don’t Forget the Garbage Disposal
Drop in a cut-up lemon, some salt, and a few ice cubes. This will clear away any unwanted odors or built-up residue.
Steam Clean Your Microwave
To remove old food stains from the inside of the microwave, fill a microwave-safe bowl with 1 to 2 cups of water, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil and zap the mixture for five minutes. Easily wipe away the stains after.
Make Your Microfiber Couch Look New Again
Remove the evidence of kids and pets from your microfiber couch by spraying your couch with rubbing alcohol, and using a clean white sponge to rub the couch. Once the couch is dry, use a stiff scrubbing bristle brush to fluff up the fibers and get it looking like new!
Magic Wand Shower and Tub Cleaner
Fill a dish wand with half vinegar and half Dawn dish liquid. Run a little water in the shower. Then scrub it down with the dish wand, rinse it well, and then take your shower.
So before you load up on heavy duty supplies, try these effective and easy tricks that require little effort and supplies that you probably already have on hand.
Thanks for sharing this useful blog about cleaning, Last Night I had party in my house and my carpet spoiled by guest and I tried your method which you mentioned in your blog on on some stains it works.